Clinical use of canine CRP - interview with Dr. Anna Hillström

14. Jul 2020 | 4 min read

Clinical use of canine CRP - interview with Dr. Anna Hillström

We have discussed the clinical use of the measurement of canine C-reactive protein (CRP) with Dr. Anna Hillström, clinical pathologist at the University Animal Hospital (UDS) of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). In this interview, Dr. Hillström discusses CRP as a first-line test in diagnosis and clinical decision levels, as well as practical examples from the clinic.

As a researcher, Dr. Hillström is an expert in the veterinary inflammatory diagnostic field. Her PhD thesis focuses on canine CRP protein assays and their applications, and it also includes a study on the validation of the Gentian Canine CRP Immunoassay [1,2]. Read full interview here.


Canine CRP in the clinical routine

Dr. Hillström especially values the fact that CRP is easy to measure and is a quantitative marker of inflammation, since CRP levels are rapidly elevated in response to inflammation and also swiftly decrease when the inflammatory stimulus is eliminated.


CRP: an objective, reliable, and sensitive marker for systemic inflammation

Dr. Hillström explains that UDS have brought the canine CRP immunoassay in-house because they see CRP as an objective, reliable, and sensitive marker for systemic inflammation in dogs. The test is initially used to confirm or exclude systemic inflammation in symptomatic dogs. Following treatment, the assay is also used to evaluate response to therapy, as well as the course of disease.


Canine CRP – both in panel and as a stand-alone test

At UDS, the canine CRP Immunoassay is used both in a panel and as a stand-alone test. In an acutely ill dog, a broad panel of tests (including CRP) is performed at admission. CRP can be useful during treatment as a stand-alone test to monitor the remission of systemic inflammation by looking at the trends of CRP levels.


Canine crp immunoassay - diagnostics


Gentian Canine CRP Immunoassay Advantages

  • Particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA)
  • Canine-specific avian antibodies
  • Sample type: Serum, Plasma
  • Measuring range: 10 - 300 mg/L, Security zone: up to 1000 mg/L (instrument specific)

Interested in the Gentian Canine CRP Immunoassay?

For more details on Gentian Canine CRP Immunoassay please send an email to or fill out the form below to get in touch with our Product Manager for Canine CRP.



  1. Hillström A (2016). Canine C-reactive protein - Validation of Two Automated Canine-specific C-reactive Protein Assays and Studies on Clinical and Research. PhD thesis.
  2. Hillström A, Hagman R, Tvedten H, Kjelgaard-Hansen M (2014). Validation of a commercially available automated canine-specific immunoturbidimetric method for measuring canine C-reactive protein. Vet Clin Pathol 43(2), 235-243.

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